Monday, September 19, 2011

Lacul Vidal (Vidal Lake)

Vidal lake in Romania
Please use the FULL screen feature and look around for this one > it's worth it:)

After visiting several high altitude lakes in Fagaras (Balea, Capra lakes), Retezat (Bucura lake) and Rodnei (Stiol lake) and even in Parang mountains (Calcescu lake > only 500m away) I was actually thinking: Come on, it has to be the same thing...why bother climbing?..Well, I'm glad I did not turn back...

Part of Calcescu natural reserve, we can find Lake Vidal at the altitude of 1986m. It is part of the water system fueling lake Calcescu, which is only 500m away to the north.

We can reach this lake from Obarsia Lotrului, following the red ribbon mark, until we reach lake Calcescu, and then climb up along the river side. Estimated time of arrival 3.5 - 4.5 h.

Being a natural reserve, we can find animals like bears, wolves, or black goats, so be on a sharp lookout :)

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